A library card is FREE to all Butler County residents with proper identification. Your card is permanent and must be renewed each year. It entitles you to borrow materials from any of the 9 libraries within the Butler County Federated Library System, as well as to use the databases and other eResources provided by the library system.
Applicants must be 18 years of age or older
A parent or legal guardian's signature is required for anyone under 18 years of age.
Proper identification is a driver's license with current address OR two other forms of identification with current address, such as a recent utility bill, Pennsylvania identification card, or a bank statement.
Lost or destroyed cards may be replaced at a cost of $2.50.
You must present your card to check out materials. You may have any combination of 25 items checked out at one time, including:
Books, books on CD, and music CDs - 3 weeks ($.25 per day if overdue)
New bestsellers and magazines - 3 weeks ($.25 per day if overdue)
DVDs - 3 weeks ($1 per day if overdue)